U2 led into watching a lot of MTV, which led to my discovery of video shows like Alternative Nation and 120 Minutes, and as I got into grunge and other Nineties rock, I started to get interested in which bands my new favorites had been inspired by. Especially when it came to the grunge bands like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and Screaming Trees, I realized that Led Zeppelin had been a major influence. Up to that point all I really knew of Zeppelin was that the local classic rock radio loved them, and there was a "Stairway to Heaven" joke in Wayne's World. I borrowed an anthology from someone, and was soon sucked in by Robert Plant's wail and especially Jimmy Page's guitar. Not being a musician, I can't speak to the technical aspect of what he did, or the effects he made popular, or anything like that, but I've listened to enough guitar to know greatness when I hear it, and he's one of the best. Led Zeppelin was one of the first 'hard rock' bands, but they were also capable of great beauty. The first two albums do indeed rock pretty hard, but then for their third try they took a mellower, more acoustic approach, Page's virtuosity adding sneaky depth to what sounded like simple, pleasant songs. My personal favorites are their fifth and sixth, Houses of the Holy and the double album Physical Graffiti; I defy you to listen to the bluesy "The Rover" and "Ten Years Gone" or the dirty boogie of "Trampled Under Foot" and not become a fan. Led Zeppelin don't have a weak album, and Page also has a live recording with The Black Crowes, Live at the Greek, which consists of Zeppelin covers in addition to other classics, and it's one of my favorite live albums.
Not long after my discovery of Led Zeppelin, a red and white-clad duo from Detroit broke onto the alternative music scene with songs like "Hotel Yorba," "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground" and "Fell in Love with a Girl." In addition to the innovative videos, The White Stripes brought us the musical mad genius of Jack White. From the very beginning everyone could tell that Jack was a shredder, combining elements of punk, garage, blues, bluegrass and just about anything else he'd ever heard and melding it into catchy, immediate songs. The band was his brainchild, and thrived despite the simple (ok, poor) drumming of Meg White, Jack's former wife, because the songs themselves were so good. I know many of my friends had reactions that ranged from dimming enthusiasm to outright derision as the years went on, but while I wasn't quite as into them as I once was, I never failed to be excited when a new album came out, and the first few listens were always a thrill. Then Jack White made the best decision of his creative career, at least in my eyes: The Raconteurs. Joining up with fellow Michigan-based pop rock master Brendan Benson and the awesome rhythm section of The Greenhornes, White finally had a full band to play with, and the results have been outstanding. Broken Boy Soldiers, their debut album, is a mixed bag of very good songs and misfires, but the follow-up from last year, Consolers of the Lonely, would get my vote as a top ten record of the decade, and one of the best straightforward rock albums in a long time. The album starts with the white hot riffs of "Consoler of the Lonely," a song that surely owes a debt to Led Zeppelin without ever sounding derivative, and just accelerates from there. White sings with alternating lunacy and tenderness as needed, and Benson is an excellent foil as the other lead. I honestly cannot express strongly enough how much I love this album, but let me just say that since I bought it almost a year and a half ago I've listened to it dozens, maybe hundreds, of times, and I'm still just as excited as the first time through. Now, with his new band The Dead Weather releasing another instant favorite of mine, it's safe to say that my man-crush on White is reaching epic proportions, especially when you consider his love and appreciation for musical history. The chance to see him interact and conspire with those other two legends is one I'm excited for.
I think I've gushed enough, but I don't see how this documentary could be anything but good. It's playing at the University 6 in Irvine for at least this week; if anyone wants to see it with me, let me know. I promise not to repeat any of the (too) many words in this post!
I think there are 4 classic U2 albums. War, The Unforgettable Fire, Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. The studio material on Rattle and Hum is up there with the best of it as well but it's lost to a lot of people who don't give that album enough of a chance.
I have The Unforgettable Fire but not War . The former is good but not quite classic for me, depsite the presence of "Pride (In the Name of Love)," and the latter I've only heard a couple times. Honestly, U2 from before Joshua Tree just doesn't do much for me.
What I meant by classic was the band was at the peak of its creative powers. War was the culmination of their original sound. UF, JT, AB, Zooropa and Pop are all them trying new sounds. Though as you pointed out the last two are hit and miss in their track quality.
You'd probably like War though. It's arguably the most "rock" of all their albums.
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